Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How To Write a Book For and About Young Black Males, and Have It Actually Reach Their Hands?

1. Write what they've been waiting to hear, not your doctoral dissertation or theoretical diarrhea. That may be easy formula to you but consequently boring to them;

2. Remember how it felt when you turned 14 and society no longer considered you cute and safe;

3. The ones you need to impress are the young males themselves, not your agent and not your ego;

4. Pitch to all publishers, not just African Americans. Because sometimes water is thicker than blood;

5. Consider the frustrations of a single mother with limited resources and funds;

6. Don't forget the fathers who do pay child support but are still not allowed to see their children;

7. Don't forget to bring up Africa because self-esteem begins at the Gold Coast, not at the American car show;

8. Always carry a few copies on you to give away;

9. Choose a cover design that speaks their language, not yours;

10. Use your personal copy when life coaching students, doing workshops and mediating;

(Artwork by student, Jacquie Torres)