Thursday, September 4, 2008

Who Else is Gonna Call You Nigga but Another Nigga?...

I love a great quote. Like the one above by Whoppie Goldberg. Some sayings just make you laugh at life's contradictions. I like the ones that take you straight to your truth, and ours!--
"What Bill Cosby did was what too few people in our community do. He set a very high standard."-- Charles Barkley, Athlete and Commentator

"The most gangsta thing you can do is be yourself!"-- Lupe Fiasco, Muslim Rapper

"Fear is everything, and nothing!"-- Herb Billings, Marketing Agent

"The truth comes to me. The truth loves me."-- Sylvia Plath, Poet

"I was living a lie. This person, this illusion I created. It wasn't me. It was what people expected me to be. So I had to do some dying in order to start really being who I am. Everyone has the right to be who they are."-- Lauryn Hill, Social Activist

"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what we want most for what we want at the moment."-- Henry Ford, Founder of American Ford Company

"It may not be your fault that you're down, but it's your responsibility to get back up!"-- Rev. Al Sharpton, Social Activist

"If I can't be myself, I'm already dead!"-- My daughter, Chanou at 19

"They don't see it because they don't have it."-- Michelle Scarlet, Community Activist

"If your laundry is dirty, why would you want to keep it dirty?"-- Bill Cosby, Actor

"You direct yourself, and you are directed. Our greatest spiritual truth is that we are one with our Creator."-- Carol Adrienne, Numerologist

"We have become so addicted to struggling, when the way is
easy we are suspicious, and we do not want it."-- Iyanla Vanzant,
Spiritual Advisor

"The public school system is not about educating Black
children. Never has been. Inner-city schools are about social
control. They're operated as holding pens-- miniature jails, really. It's only when Black children start breaking out of their pens and
bothering White people that society even pays any attention to
the issue of whether or not these children are being educated."-- Barack Obama, President

"It's not all about you, but it's all for you."-- John Love, Jr., Actor

"Be the change you're looking for."-- Ocean Morisset, Photographer

"Grandma, he didn't have kidney problems, baby. He died of AIDS.
Because you were so ashamed of it, everyone else was ashamed
of it."-- Mo'Nique, Comedian

"We underestimate how we are still damaged by slavery...I
wouldn't want reparations. I'd want free psychological services
for every Black person
in America..."-- Marita Golden, Writer

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