Monday, December 20, 2010

Thank you!

I want to take this time to not only wish all my readers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, but also to thank you for your continued support and admiration. My next book will be on male youth scheduled for release in Spring 2011. Because males tend to be more visual, I'm including illustrations this time around, along with exercises and interviews with young Black males who come from dire situations and yet have found productive ways in coping and ultimately finding their personal success. We've already come up with a book cover design that I think parents and educators, and the young men themselves will find quite appealing, if not bangin'! Palm cards and copies for select reviews will begin going out in March. Until then, enjoy your holidays and let's make this new year and even better one!

Peace and gratitude


primamyrna said...

Felicidades, hermano! Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! .. What ever your fancy,
embrace Life, Dance!
.. Thank you

K. Koromantee said...

Muchas gracias, hermana! you continue to provide me with much Light. thank you for your kind support and admiration!

Morisset said...

2011 is yours...

K. Koromantee said...

Thanks, o!